@Marian_Paun wrote:
Because the telegram notifier seems not to work for me, I am trying to use the "exec" plugin to pipe the output to the Telegram-notify script (a wrapper for telegram-cli, see https://github.com/NicolasBernaerts/debian-scripts/blob/master/telegram/telegram-notify).
The telegeam notifier is configured correctly and messages are correctly sent from the command line.
There is the line I am tryong to use in my config.yml:
**exec: telegram-notify --icon 10003 --success --title "Flexget Movie Found" --text "Movie: {{title}}\nimdbplot: {{imdb_plot_outline}}\nimdb_genres: {{imdb_genres}}\nimdb_score: {{imdb_score}}"**_
For some obscure reason, it doesn't seems to work... I assume there is a problem with passing jinja2 variables to the bash script... Can someone see any error in the above?
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